Know Your Role!
Your audition is about you, but that doesn’t always mean the scene is about you. It is important to remember, but easy to forget, that oftentimes the scene isn’t about you. I see it all the time, people come in and the have done all this work preparing for the role ready to put the audition on tape for the “name your profession” or whomever #3. And don’t get me wrong, doing the work is great, there is absolutely no substitute for it. But, by the time you come here, to tape your audition, you have spent so much time with this character, learning the who, what, when where and why, becoming this character. That you forget your ultimate role, you are a device, a tool to move the story along, to develop the other characters, and to push the plot forward. Try to remember this fact when you are preparing, and especially when you tape your audition.